Indigo Sun
First Time Users

First Time

If you’re new to tanning, it’s important to take it slow and start with short sessions to avoid overexposure. Follow the steps below to get started.


No appointment is necessary, just drop in.


You will be asked to fill in a registration form to assess your suitability for tanning.


Challenge 25, bring ID.


Recommended a session time based on your skin type.


All salons have stand up and lie down. You will be explained the difference and will make a choice on what to use.


Recommended to use an Accelerator in order to tan faster and darker. Staff will fully explain the benefits of using these and talk you through the various products.


You will be provided eye protection and shown how to operate the sunbed of your choice.


The sunbed will have been cleaned by staff, however, there are cleaning materials in the room for your peace of mind.


Once in the cubicle, you will undress, apply your accelerator and lie or stand on the sunbed.


You should tan in whatever you feel comfortable in. 


After your session, you will get dressed ensuring that you have all your belongings and return used eye protection back to the counter.

Fact / Fiction

Regular, moderate exposure is necessary for good health. UV light is the most important source of Vitamin D for people in the UK…

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